Hello everyone.
As we go into the second quarter of our season, I’d like to share some exciting things with you all.
Board Changes
We’re very excited to welcome Mitchell Hanson and Hailee Neumann as our new youth directors on the Board. We’re all looking forward to hearing about their passion for the sport and more ideas for our youth programs. I’d also like to welcome Tim Neumann as one of our newest directors on the Board. Tim has been involved in the bowling community for most of his life (and most of you know him or his family) and we’re looking forward to his enthusiasm and ideas.
We will post all information about upcoming tournaments on this website as details get finalized. We’ve moved our Association Tournament from its usual December dates to three weekends in January (Jan 13-14, 21, 27-28). We’re hoping that this shift will earn more bowlers, as then we’re not competing with the holiday season. The tournament will be held at Southway Bowl in St. Cloud, so let’s get our teams together and go for the best turnout we’ve ever had!
State Tournament & State Meeting Recap
In April and May of 2024 we will see the Minnesota State Mixed Doubles Tournament held at Southway Bowl in St. Cloud. This is such a fun tournament. I encourage you to get yourself a 2-man and 2-woman team and sign up! Also, please read my recap from the 2023 State Meeting to learn about all that's been happening at the State level in bowling.
As always, we’re trying to really get our membership numbers up. We’ve been holding steady in the mid-900 range. I do encourage everyone to share their love of the sport with friends and family and to encourage new bowlers to sanction. Click on the link for "more reasons to sanction with USBC," including some pretty great discounts in the benefits hub. Go to www.bowl.com/member-rewards.
Amazon Smile Program
Unfortunately, Amazon decided to shut down the Amazon Smile program that provided a percentage of purchases to a nonprofit organization. In a statement, an Amazon representative said that their charitable resources were spread too thin. I would like to thank everyone who has been donating throughout the years. Your contributions and generosity meant so much to us.
I hope everyone is having a successful season so far, shooting amazing scores. Enjoy the season and please don’t hesitate to share your questions, concerns or comments with any MID MN USBC Board Member.
Katie Goenner
Mid MN USBC Association

Katie Goenner
Association President
Winter 2024
President's Letter